Saturday, June 2, 2007

Live footage of the FIRM UNKNOWN.

Jack is my sisters boyfriend, also the lead singer and on this night the Bass guitarist for the band known as the FIRM UNKNOWN.  I hope you enjoy as much as I did.  If you check him out on MYSPACE tell him I sent ya.  Thanks for the long build up for yet another short entry.  but as you can tell I have been keeping myself busy, and YES HAPPY.

Have a great night.


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Anonymous said...

The music is so loud, I can't actually hear what he is singing...
Glad your staying busy and happy!!!
I'm so ready to *steal* that little graphic that writes our too cute!
Take care~ Melissa

Anonymous said...

I like the beat but I can't tell what the words are. So glad your out having fun. It's about damn time. Hugs, Emmi