Monday, April 9, 2007

Hope you had a great Easter

I had some issues but the kids had a great day.

My Mom took on the role of Easer Bunny this year and made the girls some really nice baskets, they got a ton of candy and some glasses, bubbles, wands, ball cups, and all kinds of little toys too, they loved it. When Tori woke up I was already awake downstairs, but I heard her shouting at Kiera “KeKe get up it’s Easter” it was the sweetest thing. I couldn’t believe J had heard them and got up too, we had a very nice and believe it or not quiet Easter Sunday Morning. Then we went to Church, the kids love to go. After me and J talked about what happened at Church this weekend he is ok with getting up and taking the kids to Church and me staying here to prepare brunch for him and the kids and his parents. I think this way will be best for all of us.

Saturday we went to J’s step sister’s house for Easter. Her husband is the one with the Brain tumor, this was to be his last Easter, it was heart breaking. Kandace didn’t really know to much of what was going on, so I had to let her know that Kev isn’t doing as well as we had all hoped, he is home they took him off the rehabilitation cause he wasn’t strong enough to make any improvements. It has to be the hardest thing to know that this is really it. The end is near. I do not know how I would be able to deal with anything close to that right now or ever in my life. Ya’ll can give Kev some prayers heck who knows what kind of miracle can still happen. But for now we have all been told to make sure we say what we need to cause the Dr.s are at the end of helping him.

Today as been crazy. I have my X’s 3 kids here for Spring break this week, oh lucky me, they must really trust me not to let the kids get hurt, lol, or to hurt the kids. Just kidding, they are getting better, but they did forget to bring their mid day meds, so we’ll see if the live long enough for their mom to get off work and get here to get them, lol

Well I have to go refer some more

Ya’ll have a great day know ya hear’

Friday, April 6, 2007

Mr Golden Sun

Mr Sun sun Mr Golden Sun

please shine down on me

Mr Sun Sun Mr Golden Sun

hiding behind the trees

these little children are asking you

to please come out so we can play with you

MR Sun Sun Mr Golden Sun

Please shine down on

Please shine down on

Please shine down on MEEEEEEEEEEE..

OMG it looks like we are in a friggin snow globe,

WTF is wrong with mother nature??

I guess she isn't ready for the summer yet.

but we sure as shit are ready.


we want to sunny sun to come out and warm our souls...

we NEED it...

What American accent do you have?

Your Result: The West

Your accent is the lowest common denominator of American speech. Unless you're a SoCal surfer, no one thinks you have an accent. And really, you may not even be from the West at all, you could easily be from Florida or one of those big Southern cities like Dallas or Atlanta.

The Midland
North Central
The South
The Inland North
The Northeast
What American accent do you have?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Childhood meme....

Childhood meme.... :

Thanks Brit.

I really enjoyed this one.


1. Are you a child of the 70s, 80s, or 90s?

I was born in 1972 so primarily the 80's...I had a banana seat and a basket on my bike and real metal wheels on my skates, you know not ever once did I see someone get their fingers cut off. Oh yeah and the green machine Gawd I wanted one of those, but I never got one, it was for boys WHATEVER!!!

2. Where were you born?

Louisville Ky.

3. What kind of home did you grow up in?

My parents rented a lot of different places, seemed like I was always changing school and making new friends. When I was about out of grade school they moved to a trailer out in the country, I loved growing up in Georgetown In. Even in the trailer we had so much fun playing tag in the woods and riding our bikes thru the creek. When I was in High school they moved to Jeffersonville In. and I hated it there. Right in the middle of down town too. HATED HATED HATED it, I want to be back in the country with a gravel road mile long drive way.

4. Did you enjoy your childhood?

Yes!! I have amazing memories.. Though mainly memories I made in Georgetown and in Paoli. The apartments and city I could have done without, but nothing beats being a kid in the country.

5. When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

I wanted to be a Solid Gold Dancer. I begged and begged for leggings and a perm. My dad would not agree to the perm but I got those leggings and I wore them with everything, lol, cause they matched everything, lol, they were rainbow.

6. What do you want to be now?

I still haven‘t decided, so far I am heading for crazy.

7. What was your first best friend's name?

Sarah but her first name is all I remember, that and she was blonde.

8. Is she still your friend?

I have no idea what happened to her.. :-(

she is in the pink in the front row.
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9. Can you name all the schools you ever attended?

Oh boy this is ganna be tough. Rutherford Elementary for 1st, Cane Run Elementary in the 2nd, I can‘t remember what school’s I was in for the 3rd and 4th Shelby something or nother, then I went to Galena Elementary for the 5th then middle school I went to Floyd Central. Although those were some of the best years for me for memories they were also some of the worst cause for all the fun I was having in the wood sand fields with my friends, the school days were really tough, My family was poor and this school was the preppiest around. Remember I lived in the trailer park, so where as a lot of the kids lived in trailers, I was lower than them cause I was from the hilltop trailer park, see the owned the land they played on and grew up on, I had a lot, but the woods and field around us were my playground, luckily the owners of those didn’t mind us kids back there getting into 100 kinds of mischief.

Back to the ?? I finished school (by the skin of my teeth) at Jeffersonville High School and Hated all of it

10. Were you closer to your mom or dad as a kid?

I wanted to be a Daddy’s girl and I guess I was for a short time, but then I turned on him after seeing the way he treated my Mom and the things he did to her, I love him as my father, but I don’t like him as a man. My Mother on the other hand has my utmost respect. She has bent over backwards for her children,Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

always giving up what she wanted and even needed at times to make sure the 4 of us kids got what we wanted, (except for that green machine) and she even took the grunt of that to telling me it was cause it was for boys, when if the truth be told it was cause daddy was blowing all the money at the bars and other stuff.

11. What was the first record, tape or CD you remember buying?

Michael Jackson Thriller

And yes it was the album, lol

If you don’t know what that is go goggle it…

12. How old is a good age to have kids?


13. Are you scared of anything?

Mice,,, I hate them. And bee’s they friggin hurt.

And because I didn’t take my own advise (see above)

I am scared to death something bad will happen to my kidz.

14. What was your favorite class in elementary school?

Lol, is this a trick question??? I guess I‘d have to say gym.

Even if I failed it twice.

15. Did you buy school lunch or bring your own?

Buy school lunch, lol, are you crazy?? I got a little ticket from my teacher to give to the nice lunch lady who always gave me an extra side of whatever it was we had that day.

16. Broken any bones or had any freaky accidents as a kid?

No don‘t know how I lucked out of those, cause I was a crazy kid growing up.

17. Were you a mean kid?

Not really but if you didn‘t do what I wanted to do I wouldn‘t hesitate to go off by myself and do what I wanted to do.

18. Favorite board game of all time?


19. Did you play house or pretend to be a super hero?

play house, lol, NOT ME I was the super hero building a tree house to fly out of.

20. Seriously, are you still just a kid at heart?

I have to be, with daughters ages 9, 4 and 3 I pretty much don’t have a choice, and I wouldn’t want it any other way.

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yep it's spring, or is it??

Even the birds are bitching... We were in the high 70's almost in the 80's all of last week.  Then last night we got knocked around a bit by the storms.  Strong winds and a bunch of lighting, but other than the massive amount of rain we were ok.  now the temps are in the 30's, ganna go down to the 20's over night.  All the pretty flowers have started to bloom and we have a freeze advisory for tomorrow night.  This weather is just as crazy as my kidz, lol.

I know I mentioned J getting stung in the nut sack last year in the last entry, I was ganna share the picture and the poem I wrote for him that weekend, but I'll be damned now cause I can't find it in my files anywhere.  and that really sucks cause it was a funny story, maybe not so funny for J cause there has to be a butt to every funny story and he was the butt to this one.  I can laugh now, but when it happened I was in tears.  We all know J is a huge drinker, well we were camping and he was drunk, (what's new, lol) so anyways we go to the tent for the night and later I hear J fumbling around in the tent, I asked him what he was doing and he about jumped out of his skin, he then asked me (yelled) why the hell are you in here?? I was like I am sleeping so shut the fuck up and go back to sleep, well he thought he was in the bathroom and he continued like he was in the bathroom I was like WTF but kept quiet, he pissed on his side of the air mattress, yeah I was grossed out but hey I was tired and I have a water proof sleeping bag, so anyways he leaves the tent walks around it and then comes back in the tent and lays down on his side of the air mattress (yes in the pee soaked area), well I just left him there, the next morning I was up and out of there and told everyone in listening range what he had done, lol, needless to say he didn't get to sleep in that morning he got up all groggy and asked if a rodent had gotten in the tent and died, I was like um no that was just you, he didn't believe me when I told him what he had done, but one sniff of the bed, his side, lol, and himself too he knew the truth, to this day we tell him not to let the bed bugs bite and not to piss the tent when we are camping, lol, later that day he sat on a wasp and got a little what for, lol, like I said it was Karma,

moral of this story, well Idon't know if there is one but it was funny wasn't it. lol

have a great day.


Monday, April 2, 2007

My oldest daughter Kandace

I always have a ton of pictures of my babies, but my oldest daughter deserves some attention too. The only reason I don't have so many of her is cause she spends a lot of time with her Dad these days.  I am not complaining hey I had her from birth to 3 years old all by myelf with him right there (ya know).  She is a really good girl.  She helps me with the babies a lot, sometimes she complains and sometimes she pesters them but it's all out of love, lol, she is very protective when it comes to other people bothering her little sisters.  I am sure this is something that will continue thru the years.  I hope so, oh how I would have loved to have had an older Sis to take up for me, but I was the older Sis, getting my little Sis out of shit all the time, lol. 

OMG that was way weird, my little sis just called and since J has the phone upstairs I didn't hear it ring, but then as soon as I wrote getting my little Sis, she started talking on my answering machine, lol,

ok well this isn't supposed to me an entry about me and my sis it's about Kandace.  She is clever and intuitive.  I am proud to say she is a little Tom boy just like I used to be/am,lol.  She isn't afraid of anything.  Scary when it comes to her and the many woodland creatures we encounter camping.  I remember one year we were out on the boat and a copperhead, yes it was I swear, tried to crawl into the boat, well  Kandace was trying to reach for it as it was reaching up into the boat, I freaked, J started hitting at it with an ore, but it wrapped itself around the ore, J tossed it out into the lake and Kandace cried cause she wanted the pet the snake.  I tried to tell her then tha most snakes were dangerous, but do you think that meant anything to her, she later that day spotted the park guys walking around with some snakes and immediately took off and asked if she could hold it. Not scared of nothing I tell ya NOTHING. Last year at camp she was the one (and only one) going into the cabin to kill the wasps.  There was alot of them wasps in our cabin all week long.  She got stung by a black hornet today out back.  She didn't cry tears but she yelled some. I was proud of her those damn things hurt I still have a scare from where 1 got me in my belly when I was 6 months pregnant with Tori.  1 got J last year under his nutsack, but it was karma he deserved it, lol, I will try to make an entry about that next,

for now over and out...

Easter pictures from last year

I have been going thru my pictures and wanted to add these Easter pics from last year to my archives. 

We were talking about Eater today and it shocked me that Tori remembered we spent part of Easter last year with my girl friend Misty and her family. 

Man these kids have a better memory than I do, lol

but know I can remember that day for ever, or at least till I delete this journal.

Have a good night folks"


sharing some pictures

I can't remember if I posted the pics

from my birthday or not so

if so sorry, here they are again. 

if not then enjoy

I went to the tanning bed yesterday for a whole 10 minutes,

I am no longer as pale as I was in those pics.

now I have to loose this weight,

no use having a good tanned cottage cheese leg,

lol, but really folks I am carring

weight like I am pregnant again.

that really sucks this time of year.

just a little over a month before our camping week/weekend,

not that it will be warm enough for me to go swimming

but it still will be warm enough to be in tank tops and shorts.

I am overflowing all my clothes from last year.

and it sucks cause I wasn't small last year, lol,

so what am I now, well I will be honest, I am a 13-14.

it's not like I want to be a  small 5

but a 9 or even a 9-10 I would be tickled pick with.

heck I will dance a jig just to get back to the 11's


oh well only one way to do that...

so off I go to take some diet pills and then a walk.


have a great day

ya'll come back now ya hear"