Sunday, September 9, 2007

flat tires

what a week.


what a night


is it over yet??

Monday, September 3, 2007

Labor Day Weekend Camping @ Guist Cr 2007

We had a really good time camping this weekend.  The weather was perfect.  Sunday was a bit muggy but we kept cool.  The kids had a BLAST.  No one was hurt.  J ran out of beer (which is a good thing cause he wasn't hung over the last day we were there and had to pack). and and even better thing.....  sit down now you wont believe this...  not only did I not let J start any fights with me, but this is the real biggie....   The RV made it.  and made it back home again too.  I almost lost it when J 2~wayed me and said something happened it was making some really bad noise under neath, we were at exit 28 and had to go to exit 35.  I drove with my fingers crossed and praying the rest of the way, and we made it, I was so happy.  That RV has ruined every camping trip we ever took it on, but not this one. I was determined to have a good weekend as a family.