Wednesday, April 4, 2007

yep it's spring, or is it??

Even the birds are bitching... We were in the high 70's almost in the 80's all of last week.  Then last night we got knocked around a bit by the storms.  Strong winds and a bunch of lighting, but other than the massive amount of rain we were ok.  now the temps are in the 30's, ganna go down to the 20's over night.  All the pretty flowers have started to bloom and we have a freeze advisory for tomorrow night.  This weather is just as crazy as my kidz, lol.

I know I mentioned J getting stung in the nut sack last year in the last entry, I was ganna share the picture and the poem I wrote for him that weekend, but I'll be damned now cause I can't find it in my files anywhere.  and that really sucks cause it was a funny story, maybe not so funny for J cause there has to be a butt to every funny story and he was the butt to this one.  I can laugh now, but when it happened I was in tears.  We all know J is a huge drinker, well we were camping and he was drunk, (what's new, lol) so anyways we go to the tent for the night and later I hear J fumbling around in the tent, I asked him what he was doing and he about jumped out of his skin, he then asked me (yelled) why the hell are you in here?? I was like I am sleeping so shut the fuck up and go back to sleep, well he thought he was in the bathroom and he continued like he was in the bathroom I was like WTF but kept quiet, he pissed on his side of the air mattress, yeah I was grossed out but hey I was tired and I have a water proof sleeping bag, so anyways he leaves the tent walks around it and then comes back in the tent and lays down on his side of the air mattress (yes in the pee soaked area), well I just left him there, the next morning I was up and out of there and told everyone in listening range what he had done, lol, needless to say he didn't get to sleep in that morning he got up all groggy and asked if a rodent had gotten in the tent and died, I was like um no that was just you, he didn't believe me when I told him what he had done, but one sniff of the bed, his side, lol, and himself too he knew the truth, to this day we tell him not to let the bed bugs bite and not to piss the tent when we are camping, lol, later that day he sat on a wasp and got a little what for, lol, like I said it was Karma,

moral of this story, well Idon't know if there is one but it was funny wasn't it. lol

have a great day.



Anonymous said...

It was funny  LOL.   It is freezing here today also.  I have the heat turned up to 80 in the office and when I get home tonight I am having a fire.  How did J get so lucky to have you?  Have a great day

Anonymous said...

You two are from different spectrums of life. I agree how did he get so lucky to have you. Knowing how he is, this was hilarious to hear about him getting his LOL!
(Hugs) Indigo

Anonymous said...

lol too funny:) have a good week


Anonymous said...

oh no your weather  ours sucks as well
have a great weekend

Anonymous said...

Too funny Missy....boy did he get his OUCH...


Anonymous said...

Our weather has turned off super cold too! A chance of snow flurries sometime this weekend! CRAZY!!
I hate to laugh over your story but its too funny! What kind of picture of it did you have? lol I'd still be teasing him to this day, if I were you..lmao
Take care~ Melissa