Saturday, November 24, 2007

Last month I got glasses

I am not happy about it.  J knows how insecure I have been about them.  Heck I even kept it from my sister till Thanksgiving day.  J's family loves to play poker at any get together's.  Well for the last year or so I haven't played cause I couldn't read the cards on the table.  well I brought my glasses but didn't put them on till I HAD too to play cards.  well J was an ass and called me four eyes.  I was immediately hurt. but then he did it again I was shocked, so shocked that my hand came up and caught him under the chin.  I know I embarrassed him, but no more than he embarrassed me...  We got into a huge fight that lasted the whole way home.  Once we got home I went to bed with Kiera and ignored him pretty much ignored him the whole nextday, we talked abit when I told him I was about to call one of my friends that he claims I have none of and see if we can stay with them till I get into the projects.  He said he didn't want to break up.  I told him it wasn't up to him anymore, I was tired of being the butt of his jokes and I was about to get the last laugh.  I also told him he was in trouble now cause my feelings are shut off to him.  I am no longer going to treat him like my babies daddy, from now on I am going to treat him like the asshole he is.  I am so pissed right now.   I feel like everyone I counted on in my real everyday life is just here to get what they can get.  I have had issues with J's sister, then drama with my sister, bad thoughts about one of my close friends and now more bullshit from J. 

At least I still have my online friends. 

I know someone is ganna leave me some love. 



Anonymous said...

(((Melissa)))) Hope things get better soon!!
Love ya!

Anonymous said...

when growing up as a kid none of us ever put anyone down fo wearing glasses or any differances we had growing up because if they did we fought!
ok enough said on that .

Anonymous said...

:(  chin up...I bet ya look cute in your glasses :)


Anonymous said...

i bet you look great in glasses:) stay strong


Anonymous said...

I wear glasses. Not all the time, I'm parcial to wearing contact lenses. You need to protect your eyes, straining them by not wearing them because your afraid of how you look or what someone will say is foolish. I know you have dignity hon! Wear your glasses with pride, if you remember what a child J really is, let the insults slide off of you. He's never going to grow up, if you remain with him your going to have to concede to living with someone with a child's mentality. I'm in your court hon, your in my thoughts. (Hugs) Indigo

Anonymous said...

Oh girl I bet you look cute in your glasses!

Big Hugs!


Anonymous said...

I hear you on the glasses thing, I been doing this not seeing thing for 11 mos now, and I am breaking down and going to get my eyes checked.  I asked hubby if I can get both glasses and contacts because I don't know if I can do the glass thing in public.