Monday, March 26, 2007

spent the night in the country

This weekend my cousin was taking her son to her folks house out in Kentucky for Spring break. Kandace and I joined them for the overnight trip. My uncle Louie had a fire going by the time we got there Saturday night. The kids played hide and seek till 3:30 am. While the adults hung out by the fire. We drank some drinks, shot the shit, got caught up on what’s been going on and reminisced about the past. My Uncle Louie has a huge plot of land and is surrounded by either farm land or woods, really secluded. It’s sits on top the hill and you can see clear thru to 2 other states. The view is amazing. I wished I could have taken more pictures to share with ya’ll but I was having such a good time I didn’t think about the camera, well till uncle Louie fired up the ol’ FORD. I have to tell ya’ll I have had an infatuation with this truck for as long as I can remember and to hear it get fired up again was just as sweet a melody and the bee’s buzzing around the trees. The truck originally belonged to my grandfather George Witt, Uncle Louie is papa’s son and now has the ol’ truck, he said he’d been tinkering with it a lot lately and was really proud of getting it running again. Did you see the gas tank in the pictures, lol, isn’t that great, I swear who ever said these red necks were stupid just doesn’t really know any cause these folks are quite handy…. They have a fix for ever thing and everything else they got duct tape for, lol, ( by the way I think duct tape is the greatest invention EVER )

I took Kandace’s 4 wheeler and after a while of my uncle tinkering he finally got it fired up too and the kids rode it for 2 hours straight before it finally died, come to find out later the gas filter thing a ma jig broke, but we didn’t know that till after the trip home and it leaked all over the bed of the truck and our camping stuff too. Oh well at least they got to ride it while they were out in the country. Kandace has cried 2 times since we got home, she loves the country so much and hated to have to leave and come back to the city, even though we don’t live in a big city it still isn’t the country. Poor child, I hated to leave too, maybe one day just maybe we will be living in the country. I wouldn’t mind a bit.

J could have come with me and Kandace on this one night get away, but he opted to get a sitter for the babies and go golfing with his buddy. Yeah I am pissed but what can I do but go on with what makesme happy, I let him know that once again Kandace and I made some great memories that we will think about for a life time and he is not in them AGAIN. One day he won’t be in any of my day to day thinking and he is ganna be the one to be sorry.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a GREAT time Missy with or without J....

Kandace will remember what you have done with her and what he hasn't...


Anonymous said...

LOL... I love the gas tank! Donald's fix it all is clear tape...lmao.. I don't know what that makes him?
I wish J would wake up and realize whats important in life.. esp.. before its too late. You gotta make yourself happy though. Life is too short.

Take care~ Melissa

Anonymous said...

There Had better be some jack danies drinkin going on!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a really nice time. Glad you and Kandace enjoyed it. :)

Anonymous said...

Love the pics!  Looks like a great time and I love that ole truck! : )  Shelly